Rector Kutluhan Explains University-Industry Goals

Pamukkale University (PAU) Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan spoke to Denizli Metropol about the studies carried out in the field of university-industry cooperation and their goals. Stating that they have made significant contributions to university-industry cooperation with the projects carried out together with the stakeholders, Rector Prof. Dr. Kutluhan pointed out that among his 2022 plans is to continue these studies rapidly.
The rector said: “The industry needs interns. Recently, as a result of a joint work with DESİAD, we implemented the My Business School Project. We want to carry out more field-oriented, sector-based one-to-one studies in university-industry cooperation. For this reason, we also established the University-Industry Cooperation Office. In all aspects, these works will continue more intensely in 2022. Our Faculty of Agriculture was also established, and our instructors will also carry out studies in the agricultural field of Denizli.”

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