Prof. Dr. Nergis Biray and Prof. Dr. Türkan Erdoğan Represent PAU at the XIth International Altaic Communities Symposium
The 11th International Altai Communities Symposium, which has become a brand in the Turkic World, was hosted by Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in Almaty, Kazakhstan between July 4-7, 2023 with the main theme of "Place and Water Names in Altai Peoples".

Prof. Dr. Nergis Biray, Head of the Department of Contemporary Turkish Dialects and Literatures and Prof. Dr. Türkan Erdoğan, Head of the Department of Sociology attended the symposium on behalf of Pamukkale University (PAU).
PAU Sociology Department Head Prof. Dr. Türkan Erdoğan, who is a member of the organizing and scientific boards of the international symposium and participates in the symposium every year with an oral presentation, gave the following information about the symposium: "International Altai Communities Symposium started under the leadership of Prof. Dr. İlhan Şahin, a faculty member of Istanbul 29 Mayıs University, who has become a brand with his services and contributions in the Turkish World for many years, and over time, thanks to the efforts and contributions of our professor, it has become an international brand in the scientific community. When we look at this year in general, we can say that the symposium series with more than 150 participants in Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, South Korea, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, especially in many countries, including Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, South Korea, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, three intensive days and about 50 different sessions were successfully held. In addition, thanks to the 1-day historical-cultural excursion program included in the symposium calendar, the participants have the opportunity to meet with the historical and cultural richness of the host country and have the opportunity to exchange information. The symposium, which was organized for the 11th time this year, has so far been attended by Altaicist scientists from many countries including Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Mongolia, South Korea, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Hungary, Greece, Bulgaria, Japan, India, India, Russian Federation and Turkey."
Stating that the symposium will be held in Taiwan next year, Prof. Dr. Türkan Erdoğan also provided the following information about it: "On the last day of the symposium hosted by Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in Almaty this year, institution officials from three different countries showed high interest and interest and requested to host the 12th symposium to be held in 2024. These requests and proposals were evaluated by the relevant committees organizing the Altai Communities Symposium Series and it was decided that the XIIth Altai Communities Symposium will be held at Taiwan National Chengchi University on the subject of 'Clothing-Apparel Culture in Altai Peoples'. We invite our colleagues who are interested in the subject to our symposium. Scientists who want to get information on this subject can also access detailed information on the symposium website ''."