PAU Students to Be the Guardian Angels of Our Pet Friends on Campus

On April 4 Stray Animals Day, Pamukkale University (PAU) and Denizli Metropolitan Municipality signed an important cooperation for street animals. The protocol named “Our Dear Friends, Young People from PAU Hand in Hand with the Metropolitan” was signed by Denizli Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Osman Zolan and Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan.
Within the scope of the project titled "Our dear friends, PAU Young People and Hand in Hand with the Metropolitan", prepared with the support of PAU TOHSAM and PAU Animal Understanding Society, aiming to raise awareness of animal love and protection in the young generation, Metropolitan Municipality Stray Animals Treatment, Shelter and Rehabilitation Center will conduct seminars, training and visit activities for university students. Necessary training will be given to PAU students and academicians who want to become local animal protection volunteers. These volunteers will take an active role in the work to be done for the adoption of stray animals. PAU students will take active responsibility in meeting the shelter and nutrition needs of stray animals living on the PAU campus.

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