PAU Student Bilge Uluışık Awarded Special Jury Award in National Student Idea and Project Competition

Pamukkale University (PAU) Faculty of Architecture and Design, Department of Architecture student Bilge Uluışık's project named 'December' was awarded the Special Jury Award at the 6th National Student Idea and Project Competition titled "Thinking with Design in the 100th Year of the Republic" organized by DEU Faculty of Architecture.
The theme of this year's student project competition, organized annually by Dokuz Eylül University Department of Architecture, is "Thinking with Design in the 100th Year of the Republic". The courtyard of DEU Faculty of Architecture was chosen as the design area with the focus of producing ideas about design in the 100th Year of the Republic. It was expected to offer spatial solutions that would enable continuous use and social activities in the courtyard and increase the landscape value of the area.
Bilge Uluışık, a student of PAU Faculty of Architecture and Design, Department of Architecture, was awarded the Special Jury Award in the 6th National Student Idea and Project Competition titled "Thinking with Design in the 100th Year of the Republic".
Bilge Uluışık, student of PAU Faculty of Architecture and Design, Department of Architecture, who gave information about the 'December' Project, which was deemed worthy of the special jury award in the competition, stated the following: "It is the threshold point of starting a new century in the 100th year of the Republic. The design, which consists of a hundred strips, sometimes defines different surfaces by gathering the strips together and pulling them from the left and right. The resulting surfaces sometimes create a green ground, sometimes a hard ground. These surfaces are sometimes transformed into seating units on a three-dimensional plane. As a result, in addition to showing a landscape approach with semi-open spaces designed by preserving the existing green areas, the spatial definitions created by the strips horizontally symbolize the innovations of our Republic."

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