PAU RIGID Technology Team Participated in the Technical Trip Program Organized in Ankara
A technical trip organized by the Ministry of Industry and Technology for the Rigid Technology Team supervised by Assist. Prof. Dr. Armağan Bozkurt, including the Ministry of Industry and Technology, HAVELSAN, ASELSAN, TÜBİTAK SAGE and KOSGEB, took place on January 20, 2023.

Within the scope of the technical trip organized, PAU Rigid Team members and team advisor Assist. Prof. Dr. Armağan Bozkurt first attended the breakfast program with İrfan Keskin, Deputy Director General of National Technology of the Ministry of Industry and Technology, and Sümeyye Elif Subaşı, Head of Department of the General Directorate of National Technology. After the breakfast program, a presentation on the National Technology move carried out by the ministry was watched. Then, Rigid Team captain Musa Çalışkan made a presentation about their project named M+RT1.1, which won the first prize in the Disaster Management category of Technofest 2022 Technologies for the Benefit of Humanity Competition. At the end of the visit to the Ministry, Assist. Prof. Dr. Armağan Bozkurt presented a plaque on behalf of Pamukkale University to İrfan Keskin, Deputy Director General of National Technology.
The second stop of the trip was Air Electronics Industry (HAVELSAN), one of the leading organizations of our country in the fields of defense and information technologies. Here, the Rigid Team was informed by Funda Samat Özer and Fatmanur Ersayın about the company's mission, fields of activity and internship and work opportunities in the company. Our team then had the opportunity to examine the aviation simulation systems developed at HAVELSAN.
The next stage of the trip was to the Macunköy Facilities of the Military Electronics Industry (ASELSAN). After lunch, the Rigid Team was given a presentation by ASELSAN officials about ASELSAN's mission, activities and internship, part-time and full-time work opportunities at ASELSAN. After the presentation, production and maintenance units in the facility were visited and information was received.
The last stop of the tour was the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organization (KOSGEB). The team was hosted by Gül Elçim Polat, Director of the KOSGEB Technology, Innovation and Indigenization Department's Indigenization Directorate, and Onur Ege, Director of Entrepreneurship Supports. Gül Elçim Polat gave detailed information about KOSGEB's activities and support programs especially for Technology.
Rigid Technology Team consultant Assist. Prof. Dr. Armağan Bozkurt stated that they thanked all the officials who hosted our team in all the institutions visited and especially the Minister of Industry and Technology, Mr. Mustafa Varank, who made this trip possible.