PAU Mobilized for Earthquake Victims

Pamukkale University (PAU) took action to collect aid and donate blood for earthquake victims following the earthquakes that hit 10 provinces centered in Kahramanmaraş. A group of 60 health workers from PAU Hospitals set out to support health efforts in the region.
After the earthquake disaster, donations were collected at the aid collection areas set up next to PAU Hüseyin Yılmaz Congress and Culture Center and PAU Hospitals Tas Café to be sent to the region. In addition, blood donations will be collected for earthquake victims at PAU Hospitals throughout the day.

PAU students of all ages supported the aid collection efforts

As of yesterday, the aid of blankets, heaters, coats, boots and winter clothes, which started to be collected with the support of philanthropists, were placed in boxes with the support of PAU students of all ages and then loaded onto two trucks and set off to be sent to the region. The humanitarian aid trucks departed from Pamukkale University Hüseyin Yılmaz Congress and Culture Center to the earthquake-stricken region and were sent off by the Vice Rectors, faculty members and administrators, as well as PAU students who gave great support to the aid efforts from the first moment. In addition, 60 health personnel from PAU Hospitals went to the earthquake zone to support the earthquake victims.

Rector Kutluhan: "Today is the day of unity, we are grateful to PAU members and all our citizens for their support."

Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan, who made a statement about the aid collection and blood donation carried out for the earthquake victims within Pamukkale University, stated the following: "After the earthquakes centered in Kahramanmaraş and felt in the Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia Regions, we started an aid work within our university as of yesterday for our earthquake victims. In this context, blankets, heaters, coats, boots and winter clothes were collected by our students and university staff and loaded onto two trucks yesterday and today. Among the urgent needs of our injured earthquake victims, the most vital one is the need for blood due to blood loss and severe injuries. I would like to sincerely thank all PAU members and benevolent citizens, whatever the contribution is, who supported from the collected aid to the packaging and preparation of these aids and loading them onto the trucks. The day is the day of unity, I am grateful to PAU members and citizens who support us. I wish Allah's mercy to all our citizens who lost their lives, condolences to all their relatives and our nation, and I wish a speedy recovery to our citizens who were rescued with injuries."

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