PAU Knifemaking Department Academicians Participate in Knifemaking Fair
Pamukkale University (PAU) Serinhisar Vocational School Knifemaking and Hand Tools Technology Program academicians also participated in the 'Knife Festival', which was held for the first time at Merinos Atatürk Congress and Cultural Center by Bursa Metropolitan Municipality between June 16-18.

107 stands and 89 companies took part in the festival. PAU Serinhisar Vocational School Knifemaking and Hand Tools Technology Program academicians Lect. Erol Büker, Lect. Assist. Mikail Hocaoğlu and Lect. Fatih Ilgın opened a stand at the fair and had the opportunity to present the promotion of their departments to the stakeholders of the sector.
The 'make your own pocket knife' event planned for children within the scope of the fair attracted intense interest from young to old and added color to the fair activities. It was aimed to continue the interest of our participant children in the craft of knife making by giving the 'Young Knife Maker Diploma' to the children who completed the knife making stage.
All kinds of questions of the visitors to the stand about PAU Serinhisar Vocational School Knifemaking and Hand Tools Department were answered and brochures prepared for the introduction of the department and curriculum were distributed to the participants. With Le Thiers company official, one of the jury members from France, various issues about the Vocational School Knifemaking and Hand Tools Department and Yatağan were discussed and future-oriented connections were established.
Bursa Metropolitan Municipality Museums Branch Directorate presented a plaque to Pamukkale University for their participation and gave a certificate of appreciation to the academicians.
The 'make your own pocket knife' event planned for children within the scope of the fair attracted intense interest from young to old and added color to the fair activities. It was aimed to continue the interest of our participant children in the craft of knife making by giving the 'Young Knife Maker Diploma' to the children who completed the knife making stage.
All kinds of questions of the visitors to the stand about PAU Serinhisar Vocational School Knifemaking and Hand Tools Department were answered and brochures prepared for the introduction of the department and curriculum were distributed to the participants. With Le Thiers company official, one of the jury members from France, various issues about the Vocational School Knifemaking and Hand Tools Department and Yatağan were discussed and future-oriented connections were established.
Bursa Metropolitan Municipality Museums Branch Directorate presented a plaque to Pamukkale University for their participation and gave a certificate of appreciation to the academicians.