PAU Hospital Ranks First in the World Poster Competition

In the World SCI day poster competition (Theme: Access to spinal cord injury services; an easier life) held at the annual meeting of the International Spinal cord society (ISCoS) held in Edinburgh on October 8-11, 2023, Prof. Dr. Necmettin Yıldız, Faculty Member of Pamukkale University Faculty of Medicine, Department of PTR, won first place.
Stating that ISCoS will use this poster in all its activities for 1 year, Prof. Dr. Necmettin Yıldız stated that with the figures they used, they approached the issues of activating the use of social media, telerehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, bladder and sexual rehabilitation, adaptation to social life and sports rehabilitation on the theme that the hand of the physician and the patient together can turn the darkness into light, with the slogan "introduce patients with spinal cord injury to their dreams".

Chief Physician Prof. Dr. Onur Birsen congratulated Prof. Dr. Necmettin Yıldız, who stated that Turkey has received a first prize for the first time in the history of the competition, and stated that they are proud to represent our country and our hospital.

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