PAU Hospital Hosts Internal Medicine Day

Pamukkale Internal Medicine Days, which was held for the first time last year and aimed to become traditional, was held in Pamukkale between 23-25 December this year. PAU Hospital, which hosted the event, also won the best oral presentation award.
Prof. Dr. Gamze Gököz Doğu and Prof. Dr. Nil Güler, members of the Department of Internal Medicine at PAU Hospital, were the chairpersons. In the organizing committee, Prof. Dr. Veli Çobankara, Assist. Prof. Dr. Veli Çobankara, Dr. Nevin Alayvaz, Dr. Atike Gökçen Demiray, Dr. Uğur Karasu, Dr. Burcu Yapar Taşköylü took part.

The scientific program, which was open to all relevant branches, especially internal medicine assistants and specialists, and prepared to update the information, aimed to address current issues with cases in an interactive format.

Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Selçuk Yüksel and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Prof. Dr. Osman Özdel attended the opening ceremony and gave speeches. During the three-day meeting, faculty members from neighboring provinces also shared their experiences.

At the meeting, which had 113 participants in total and 43 papers were accepted, the best oral presentation prize was awarded to Dr. Burçin Çakan.

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