PAU Faculty of Agriculture Performs the First 'Sapling Tubing' Procedure
Pamukkale University (PAU) Vice Rector and Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture Prof. Dr. Turan Karadeniz, accompanied by faculty members of the Faculty of Agriculture and students of the Department of Horticulture and Field Crops, carried out the first sapling tubing process in Çal.

Giving brief information about the sapling tubing process, Vice Rector and Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture Prof. Dr. Turan Karadeniz stated the following: "Sapling tubing is generally used in agriculture and forestry sectors. While bare-root saplings are planted from the beginning of November (leaf fall) until the end of March, only tubed saplings are used in the summer months. For this purpose, special mixtures such as peat, vermiculite and soil are prepared and the seedlings are tubed and these seedlings can be planted for 12 months, both in summer and winter plantings. Between November 2023 and February 2024, forty-five thousand cuttings from figs (Bursa black, Bardacık and Sarılop), aronia, Gemlik olive, Hicaz pomegranate, Hijaz pomegranate and two different black mulberries were taken into rooting media. With the seedlings we produced, we established 100 decares of fruit collection gardens consisting of hazelnuts, walnuts, chestnuts, plums, peaches, apricots, almonds, apples, pears, cherries, persimmons, and over twenty decares of vineyard areas consisting of seventeen varieties of table grapes, including Çalkarası and Sultani grapes, most of which are of foreign origin. These fruit and vineyard areas created for collection purposes were established in order to establish the infrastructure of our Faculty. The students of our faculty carry out the applications of the theoretical courses in the field in the company of lecturers. The seedlings that we tubed with our faculty members and students will be evaluated throughout the summer to expand our collection garden. This collection garden is designed both as an application area for our students and as an application area where our academicians can carry out R&D. It will be an important gain for our students to start practical training in their first year. We observe that our students from different regions of our country are very diligent and love the agricultural profession. This indicates that they will be successful in their professions in the future."