PAU Career Center Hosts Borsa Istanbul Officials

Pamukkale University Career Planning, Application and Research Center (PAÜ KARMER) hosted Talent Management Senior Specialist Betül Öz and 2018 graduate Sabahattin Bağyapan, who worked as an Assistant Auditor in the Audit/Supervisory Board, within the scope of the “Career in Borsa Istanbul” event.
In the event chaired by PAU KARMER Center Director Prof. Dr. Reşat Ceylan, Betül Öz gave information about Borsa İstanbul's history, organizational structure, wages and fringe benefits provided to employees, social opportunities and corporate job postings that are open until mid-June. Later, Sabahattin Bağyapan who also took part in the opening of the Investment Laboratory in the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of PAU; the Founding Vice President of the Investment Club, a graduate of PAU, and who received a degree in the Virtual Stock Exchange Competition in previous years, gave advice to the students about working in this field and explained the factors that shape his own career.

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