PAU Academician's Book Published

The book titled 'Citizen-Centered Public Policy Making in Turkey' edited by Pamukkale University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (PAU İİBF) Political Science and Public Administration (SBKY) faculty member Prof. Dr. Naci Karkın and Afyon Kocatepe University İİBF SBKY faculty member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Volkan Göçoğlu was published.

Academics from different universities in Turkey contributed twenty-four chapters to the book, which consists of three main parts. The first part of the book consists of five chapters that look at public policy making in the new era from a theoretical perspective. The second part of the book consists of seven chapters that approach citizen-based public policy-making processes from a theoretical perspective, while the last part of the book contains twelve chapters that approach citizen-based public policies on an applied basis in Turkey.

Among these chapters, there are chapters focusing on citizen-based participation mechanisms in the Ministry of Interior, citizen-based environmental policies, housing policies, and citizen-based higher education policies in Turkey. As of August 29, 2023, the book has been published by the highly respected SpringerNature publishing house and can be accessed via the link (

About Prof. Dr. Naci Karkin

Prof. Dr. Naci Karkın started his career as a Research Assistant in 2001 at the Department of Management Sciences, Department of SBKY, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Pamukkale University in 2001 and continues to work as a faculty member. Since November 2022, Prof. Karkın has been spending his research leave as a Senior Research Associate at the United Nations University (UNU) Policy-oriented e-Governance Unit (UNU-eGOV) through an overseas assignment. Prof. Karkın, who is primarily engaged in knowledge, experience and research activities at the Unit, has been providing trainings to United Nations member state officials in the context of electronic government and working as Project Manager for the project on "Enhancing the Capacities of Government Departments and Related Legislation in Responding to Citizen Demands" for the Saudi Arabian Digital Government Authority. Dr. Karkın also continues his research and publication activities.

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