Our Earthquake Patient Regained Eye Health at PAU Hospital

Elif Aslan, who was caught in an earthquake in Adıyaman, was injured in her eye as a result of a column falling on her head and applied to our hospital. She regained her health as a result of the successful surgery of PAU Hospital Department of Ophthalmology.
Department of Ophthalmology Dr. Emine Şeker Ün made explanations about the surgery: "Orbit is the name given to the bone cavity formed by the 7 mid-face bones that surround our eye and its appendages in our skull. As a result of strong blunt trauma to the eye area, bone fractures may occur in the weakest parts of the orbit. These fractures usually occur in the lower wall. The lower eye muscle and the fatty tissue around the eye, which keeps our eye looking down, can get stuck in this fracture area and cause limitation of movement in our eye. In our patient, a small bone fracture occurred in the lower orbital wall of the right eye and the lower eye muscle was trapped between the fractured bone edges.

She complained of significant limitation of movement in the right eye, especially when looking up, and associated diplopia. Our patient had previously applied to various centers and could not be operated. Because the number of ophthalmologists performing orbital surgery is quite low in Turkey. Since there are no ophthalmologists specialized in the surgery of this area, plastic surgery can perform orbital base fracture surgery. However, it is more appropriate to perform orbital surgery by ophthalmologists because they will have a better command of the anatomy and physiology of the region, especially in muscle compression that provides the movement of the eye. In ophthalmic surgery, the fracture site should be exposed and the compressed tissues should be gently exposed and the bone surface should be repaired by placing an implant in the defective bone area. In our patient, the orbital base fracture site was accessed through an incision in the inner region of the lower eyelid, thus preventing the formation of a prominent scar on the skin. Afterwards, the lower eye muscle herniated into the fracture was meticulously resected and the fractured area was repaired with the help of a medpor implant.

Stating that our patient's eye movements returned to normal from the first day after surgery, Dr. Emine Şeker Ün stated that she was happy that our earthquake survivor regained her health.

Our patient Elif Aslan thanked everyone, Dr. Emine Şeker Ün and the staff of PAU Hospital for their help from the first day they came here after the earthquake.

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