Message from Rector Kutluhan on July 15 Democracy and National Unity Day

Pamukkale University Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan published a message on the occasion of July 15th Democracy and National Unity Day.

"From the Battle of Malazgirt a thousand years ago to the Dardanelles and Wars of Independence, our beloved nation has always managed to be one heart and one wrist, and has written its name in history with its determined and resilient attitude to protect our lands.

Seven years ago, the Great Turkish Nation did not give way to the treacherous coup attempt of the FETO/PDY terrorist organization, which targeted our democracy and free will, with the call of our President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the spirit of national unity and solidarity inherited from our period of national struggle.

On that night, our beloved nation, men and women, young and old, with the power of faith, which is the guarantee of its independence and future, frustrated the games played on our country; By showing the same honorable stance shown in our liberation struggle on the night of July 15, it once again shouted to the whole world the love of homeland that turned into a victory of democracy with the power of national will.

On the night of July 15th, our nation never thought of backing down and never surrendered our country to the coup plotters, despite the shots fired at them, the bombs thrown, and the people shot in front of their eyes. Our citizens, together with our Police and Turkish Armed Forces organizations that took action against the coup plotters, did not allow the bloody coup attempt; they went down in history as the heroes of the Turkish Century.

The Turkish nation, which transformed all its differences into unity in one night and marched arm in arm around the principles of one nation, one flag, one homeland and one state, has and will continue on its way with faith, courage, faith and determination to protect these lands for which thousands of martyrs have died, just as it did on the night of July 15. Because July 15th is a turning point in our recent history and a meaningful and important day in which the spirit of Gallipoli and Kuvâ-yi Milliye once again emerged and we can once again understand its value in the Turkish Century, where the determination to fight against FETÖ will continue.

We will never forget the night of July 15, the outstanding leadership of our President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the patriotic heroes of the great struggle for the future of our nation and the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the sake of our democracy!

With these feelings and thoughts, on the occasion of July 15 Democracy and National Unity Day, which shaped our glorious history, I once again wish mercy from Almighty Allah to all our martyrs who reached the rank of martyrdom, and I commemorate our veterans with gratitude.

Greetings and Regards"

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