May 12th -18th Nursing Week Message from SBF Dean Prof. Dr. Özkan

Pamukkale University Faculty of Health Sciences (SBF) Dean Prof. Dr. Sevgi Özkan published a message for May 12-18 Nursing Week.

"May 12 is celebrated as 'Nurses' Day' and the week of May 12-18 is celebrated as 'Nursing Week' in order to remind everyone of the important contributions of nurses who struggle to meet the health needs of individuals and communities to public health.

The International Council of Nurses (ICN) has determined its new theme for 2022 Nurses Day as "Nurses: A Pioneering Voice - Invest in Nursing to Secure Global Health and Respect Rights". With this theme, ICN focuses on the need to protect, support and invest in the nursing profession to strengthen health systems worldwide and meet the needs of individuals and communities. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a great impact on the emergence of these needs. During the pandemic process, changes have occurred in the way of life style, social relations, working life and nursing service. This process has increased the visibility of nurses like never before and revealed that nurses are indispensable for health care. Another important issue that has emerged is the inadequacy of investments in health care systems globally.

A supported and empowered nursing workforce is an effective solution to improving health outcomes. Nurses contribute to the strengthening of health systems by transferring evidence-based practices to the clinical environment and making scientific research results visible and applicable. As the Faculty of Health Sciences, we support the creative and innovative aspects of our students and continue our contribution to the strengthening of our profession through undergraduate and graduate education processes.

I congratulate the nursing week of all our colleagues in our country and around the world."

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