Little Amal Welcomed by the Students of PAU Architecture and Design Faculty

Little Amal, who came to Denizli, was welcomed by the design team called Rastminus Design Collective, consisting of PAU Faculty of Architecture and Design faculty members and students.
Little Amal, brought to life by the Good Chance Theater and the Handspring Puppet Theatre; symbolizes a 9-year-old Syrian refugee girl named Amal, who set out from Gaziantep on July 27, within the scope of the project called The Walk. Within the framework of the 3.5-meter-long puppet project Little Amal, the story of her journey from the Turkey-Syria border to the United Kingdom via Greece, Italy, France, Switzerland, Germany and Belgium is told. Within the scope of Little Amal's Turkey tour; after visiting Gaziantep, Adana, Tarsus, Mersin and Antalya, Denizli Pamukkale was her next stop.

For The Walk Project: 

For information about PAU Rastminus Design Collective:

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