ISKUR Gives Career Lecture to Serinhisar Vocational School Students
Pamukkale University (PAU) Serinhisar Vocational School, Social Security Program students were given a career lesson by İŞKUR.

Serinhisar Vocational School Property Protection and Security Department, Social Security Program students attended the Career course given by Denizli İŞKUR Directorate. Department Head Lecturer Ahmet Adalı, Vice Head of Department Lect. Nasibe Erdoğan also participated in the Career course.
In the first part of the Career course prepared for the Social Security Program students, Vocational Counselor / Business Club Leader Dönay Şanlıalp from Denizli İŞKUR Provincial Directorate gave information about job search skills, labor market, career planning.
In the second part of the Career Course, Mr. İsa Şanlıalp, Social Security Supervisor of Denizli İŞKUR Provincial Directorate, gave information about preparing a resume/CV, interview techniques and explained them with examples.
Both guests answered the questions of the students after explaining the topics related to their fields. Serinhisar Vocational School Director Assist. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Ekinci thanked Dönay Şanlıalp and İsa Şanlıalp for their contributions.