International World Languages and Literatures Symposium Held at PAU SFL
"International World Languages and Literatures Research Symposium" was organized by Pamukkale University School of Foreign Languages (PAU SFL). The opening speech of the online symposium was made by Pamukkale University Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan.

Prof. Gürer Gülsevin as President of Turkish Language Association, Prof. David Harrison from Vin University, Prof. Dr. Janina Brutt-Griffler from State University of New York at Buffalo, Prof. Rodney Jones from Reading University and Prof. Dr. Seran Doğançay-Aktuna from Southern Illinois University participated as invited speakers at the symposium. It ended with the closing speech of Pamukkale University School of Foreign Languages Director Prof. Dr. Recep Şahin Arslan.
'Foreign Languages Day' Celebrated with Events Organized by PAU SFL
Foreign Languages Day Event was organized by PAU School of Foreign Languages CLIC-Creative Language Integration Center on 25-26 May.
In the event that took place at Hüseyin Yılmaz Congress and Culture Center, the Director of the School of Foreign Languages Prof. Dr. Recep Şahin Arslan, Head of Foreign Languages Department Lect. Dr. Özlem Akyol and CLIC Coordinator Lect. Dr. Ayşe Demir made speeches about the event.
The participants had a pleasant time on the Foreign Languages Day, which included English theatre, piano concerts, English, French and German poems and songs. The first day of the event ended with a certificate ceremony. The second day of the event started with the pilaf charity made in front of the School of Foreign Languages and ended with the games played in a foreign language and a music concert in interaction with the teachers.