International Thermal Health Tourism Forum Denizli 2024 Ends with the Evaluation Session Organized under the Direction of Rector Kutluhan
"International Thermal Health Tourism Forum Denizli 2024" hosted by Pamukkale University (PAU) in cooperation with Denizli Metropolitan Municipality ended with sessions, workshops and an evaluation session moderated by Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan.

On the third day of the International Thermal Health Tourism Forum Denizli 2024, one of the sessions held at Pamukkale University Thermal Rehabilitation Center (PAUTERM) was the session titled "Aquatherapy Service Models in the World and Turkey" moderated by Prof. Dr. Ummuhan Baş Aslan, Dean of PAU Faculty of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation.
In the session titled "Aquatherapy Service Models in the World and in Turkey", Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prashanth C.G from Hamad Medical Corporation of Qatar, Qatar Rehabilitation Institute presented "Aquatic Physiotherapy: Evaluation as a New Member of a Multidisciplinary Team"; gave information about the benefits of aquatherapy and different water exercise programs. Prof. Dr. Barış Gürpınar from Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Health Sciences, Izmir University of Economics. Prof. Dr. Barış Gürpınar from the Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Health Sciences, Izmir University of Economics answered the questions "What is Aquatherapy and Where is its place in Turkey?" and shared information on how water can be used more useful for exercises. After the questions from the participants were answered, the session was completed with the presentation of certificates of appreciation.
Another session on the third day of the forum was held at PAUTERM with the participation of Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan and moderated by Prof. Dr. Füsun Ardıç. In the session titled "Geothermal Resources in Turkey and Denizli", Kemal Akpınar, Consultant of the Union of Energy Cities, made a presentation titled "Geothermal Resource Potential of Turkey and Denizli, Utilization and Utilization of Low Temperature Geothermal Resources with Water Source Heat Pump". Akpınar gave information about the formation of hot and mineral waters and explained the distribution of these resources in our country. Talking about the richness of the geothermal resources of our country, Akpınar stated that Denizli is the capital of geothermal resources and gave information about the geothermal field of our region. At the end of the session, Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan presented a certificate of appreciation to Kemal Akpınar, Advisor to the Union of Energy Cities of the Republic of Turkey, who provided valuable information in his presentation.
Prof. Dr. Prashanth C.G and Dr. Barış Gürpınar's workshop on "Introduction of Commonly Used Techniques in Aquatherapy". In the workshop held in the thermal treatment pool of PAUTERM, aquatherapy techniques were introduced practically.
"International Thermal Health Tourism Forum Denizli 2024", where different aspects of thermal health tourism were discussed for three days, ended with the evaluation session moderated by Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan. Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan, who took note of the suggestions made for the betterment of PAUTERM in the session where experts from Turkey and abroad shared their opinions, suggestions and experiences about PAUTERM, stated that they aim to make PAUTERM one of the leading centers in its field in the next decade, and for this reason, they attach importance to every detail. Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan, who also expressed the importance he attaches to quality, drew attention to the expertise of the support staff and professors working at PAUTERM. Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan also stated that important issues were discussed and valuable information was shared in the sessions that lasted for two days and that they want to hit the target from 12 with PAUTERM in the field of thermal health tourism.
After the completion of the session, Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan and the national and international guests participating in the forum took a collective souvenir photo in front of PAUTERM.