Intense Interest to PAU at University Promotion Days

Pamukkale University (PAU), which participated in Denizli University Promotion Days held at Denizli Metropolitan Municipality Nihat Zeybekci Congress and Culture Center, attracted great interest from senior high school students.
For the senior high school students, 12 universities from different cities met in Denizli for promotion. Universities made promotions to inform students at their stands. The officials representing the universities at the promotional stands informed the senior high school students and answered their questions. 

PAU Stand Attracted Intense Attention

Students from different high schools in Denizli showed great interest in PAU stand and received various information about PAU such as base points and top scores of departments, education and training, campus facilities, job opportunities and social opportunities. The staff at the PAU booth also interactively explained the opportunities and possibilities of PAU with the QR codes in the promotional brochures.

In addition, guests from various universities made presentations on topics such as "How to Choose the Right University?", "Advertising Design and Communication", "Discover Your Future", "Becoming a Leader with the Professions of the Future", "Being a Medical Student", "Psychological Counseling and Guidance". 

Pamukkale University students Onur Altınova (Faculty of Medicine) and Hilal Güneş (Department of Psychological Counseling and Guidance - Faculty of Education) also gave information about their departments and the campus and answered the questions of the audience.

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