Great Interest in Career Planning Lesson Preparation Seminar
270 instructors from all academic units of PAU attended the Career Planning Course Preparatory Seminar organized by Pamukkale University Career Planning, Application and Research Center (PAÜ KARMER) and PAU Education and Training Coordinatorship.

In his speech at the beginning of the seminar, PAU Career Center Deputy Director Dr. Sezgi Akbaş gave examples of the Center's activities carried out in the 2021-2022 Academic Year, emphasizing that the main motivation in all these activities is to ensure continuity and to advance the steps taken every year. Expressing that they are nominated to host the Aegean Regional Career Fair, which will be held in 2023 in this context, Akbaş said, “The area we care about the most is to be an active supporter of the career planning processes of our students and graduates; and to contribute to the memory of the Institution by ensuring the continuity of graduate follow-up”.
In the continuation of the event, Dr. Savaş Ceylan informed the faculty members by explaining the details of the ecosystem established by the Presidential Human Resources Office. He detailed his systems, which continue to be developed day by day through mechanisms such as Talent Gate, YTNK TV, National Internship Program, Career Planning Course, and which try to make university students a preferred actor in the labor market. In this context, giving advice and suggestions to the academic staff who will conduct the Career Planning course, Dr. Ceylan emphasized the importance of bringing students together with Pamukkale University Career Center more frequently. Seminar ended with the answers for questions from the hall, by Dr. Ceylan.