Geography Department Conducts Field Study in Gökova Bay

Pamukkale University Faculty of Arts and Sciences Department of Geography students conducted an applied field study on 'Coastal Geomorphology and Fire Ecosystem' in the Gulf of Gökova (on the route of Sakar Tepe, Akyaka, Marmaris, İçmeler and Turunç) under the coordination of Dr. Selahattin Akşit and Assoc. Dr. Cennet Şanlı.
The first stop of the study was the Gulf of Gökova, located within the borders of Marmaris and Ula districts. Students were informed about the geomorphological evolution of the bay. Azmak Stream, located within the borders of Akyaka town, was the second stop of the study. The students took a water sample from Azmak Stream and determined the pH, salinity and TDS (total dissolved substance amount) values ​​of the water with the help of a pH meter and compared them with the values ​​of drinking water. The third stop of the study was the beaches located in the town center of Marmaris. The students conducted a SWOT (superiority, weakness, opportunities, threats) analysis about the tourism activities in Marmaris by making interviews with local and foreign tourists with the interview forms they had prepared beforehand.
The last stop of the study was the forest areas that resulted in the burning of 136500 hectares of land in the İçmeler highway area in 2021. Students were informed about fire climatology. Examples from the world and our country were given by discussing the applications to be made before and after the fire. The last stop of the study was Turunc beach. Students conducted a study to determine the morphological features of the beach and the use of the shore.

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