First Step Taken Between PAU and Denizli OIZ for OIZ TECHNOCITY

With the founding committee protocol signed between Pamukkale University Rectorate and Denizli Organized Industrial Zone (OIZ) Directorate, the first step was taken for OIZ TECHNOCITY.
Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan, Denizli OIZ Director Ahmet Taş attended the signing ceremony of the OIZ TECHNOCITY Founding Board Protocol held at Pamukkale University Rectorate.

OIZ Director Taş: "A great opportunity has come for Denizli. Both the university is enthusiastic and we are enthusiastic."

"We attach great importance to university-industry cooperation. The rector cares a lot. Therefore, we say this is the time. When we took one step together with the Rector and all our professors in the Technocity and other projects that we have been talking about for a long time, they took ten steps for us. I think a great opportunity has come for Denizli. Both the university is enthusiastic and we are enthusiastic. On this occasion, we are ready to cooperate in all technological fields, especially Pamukkale Technocity. Today, we signed the founding committee protocol, and our other Chambers will also sign it. After the signature of our Rector, we will make our application to the Ministry of Industry and Technology after the other chambers sign the founding committee. Hopefully, we will start construction in 2023. I wish it to be auspicious."

Rector Kutluhan: "With OIZ Technocity, we will become a pioneer in our region, our country and the world."

"Today we signed a very important protocol for our Denizli, our University and our region. It is a protocol signed for the establishment of a Technocity in our Organized Industrial Zone. I would like to thank Mr. Abdulkadir Uslu, Chairman of the Board of Directors of our Organized Industrial Zone, Mr. Necip Filiz, Deputy Chairman, and Mr. Derya Baltalı, Vice Chairman, for the establishment of this technocity. I wish the OIZ Technocity, which will make great contributions to our University, which is a need for Denizli, will be beneficial in advance. Hopefully, we will become a pioneer in our region, our country and the world with innovation, new patent studies and R&D studies."

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