Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Writes its Own History

The book published by Pamukkale University (PAU) Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (ITBF) Dean's Office as a gift to the 100th anniversary of our Republic is shown as an exemplary work in its field.

The book, edited by Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Yasemin Beyazıt and Associate Deans Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kamuran Şimşek and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Umay Oğuzhanoğlu Akay, deals with the progress and changes in social sciences during the Republican period, and the history of a faculty of Pamukkale University, which celebrates its 30th anniversary in 2022, has also been published.

Dean Beyazıt: "When our university completes its 30th anniversary and our Republic reaches its 100th anniversary, we are very proud and happy to have left a permanent work for the future as a faculty."

Dean of the Faculty Prof. Dr. Yasemin Beyazıt said: "With the closure of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences in 2022, the departments covering social sciences were re-established as the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. As you know, most of the time, those who make history do not write it. With this understanding, we wanted the history of our departments and faculty to be written while the founding staff of our faculty were still on duty. This step is very important for institutionalization. Our departments sincerely embraced this work and ensured the publication of the book. In addition to writing their histories, our departments also evaluated the graduate theses, activities and important contributions they have made so far. At the end of the book, we added photographs from our graduation ceremonies from its foundation to the present day. When our university completed its 30th anniversary and our Republic reached its 100th anniversary, we were very proud and happy to have left a permanent work for the future as a faculty. Our Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan also wrote an introduction to the book. We thank him. MUSIAD was also the patron of our book. We are grateful to Engin Boyacı, President of MÜSİAD Denizli Branch and Ramazan Gönen, Vice President."

Rector Kutluhan Presented a Plaque

After the publication of the faculty book, the books were presented to the authors after a faculty board meeting. A total of nine books published by the faculty for the 100th anniversary were presented at the event. In the third of the Denizli History Conferences organized by MÜSİAD and the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, the President and Vice President of MÜSİAD were given a plaque of appreciation by our Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan.

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