DSBMYO Foreign Trade Department Hosts DENİB Chairman Memişoğlu

Hüseyin Memişoğlu, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Denizli Exporters Association (DENİB), met with the students at the third "Career Talks" event organized by Denizli Social Sciences Vocational School (DSBMYO) Foreign Trade Department within the scope of Career Planning course.

In addition to the professors of the department, vocational school and other faculty professors and managers of application and research centers and many students attended the career talk event. Hüseyin Memişoğlu, who started his speech by sharing his career process with the students, stated that he started his working life at a very young age at his father's workplace in Denizli, and that he carried out school and work together until his university years, and that he started to trade, which is the business and family profession he loves in these years. He conveyed important information about the businesses he owns and runs with family members and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Exporters' Association, which he has been continuing for 6 years in this process.
Stating that Denizli ranks 9th in Turkey's export ranking, Memişoğlu underlined that compared to the provinces in the upper ranks, Denizli's exports have achieved this rank with a wide variety of products and that there is an export structure spread to the base. Stating that in 2023, as Denizli, 1700 companies exported to 185 countries in nearly 3000 different items, DENİB President stated that 33% of these exports were textiles, followed by cable, iron, steel, food, marble and machinery.

Hüseyin Memişoğlu, who shared valuable information to enlighten the career path of our students, stated that a certain number of candidates are called for an interview and interviewed for recruitment with KPSS for DENİB, resumes are evaluated, but the most important thing is the attitude and personality of the individual as well as his suitability for teamwork. Stating that he takes similar criteria into consideration in his own business, Memişoğlu said, "The behavior of the individual, being a good person who can use his capacity is among our evaluation criteria; we focus on individuals who adapt to the functioning of the business and have strong human relations."
Touching on the internship recruitment process, Memişoğlu stated that their priorities are candidates who really want to do an internship, that is, candidates who really want to learn the business, and that they openly discuss this with the candidates. He also stated that "we do not give big jobs to interns who come for a short period of time. Because if a simple mistake made in customs clearance processes is overlooked, it has legal sanctions, i.e. heavy penalties. In this respect, we inform the interns. However, the interns will have 'eyes and ears of thieves' and during their internship, they will observe human relations and learn how to establish communication and how things progress in the business. Because wherever you go, communication and human relations are important. Everywhere there will be similar people who make your work easier and harder. We cannot escape from people, we have to learn to communicate with them. You also need to make an effort to gain experience. For example, three people who interned with us continue to work with us."
Memişoğlu stated that there are generally two career paths for those who will work in the field of foreign trade; one group consists of desk workers who follow the paperwork of processes such as foreign trade and customs clearance, and the other group is people who spend more time in the field and carry out marketing activities; and emphasized the importance of employing the right person in the right position. "If you like paper and pencil, you can work as an exporter. In order to be able to do marketing, it is necessary to make the customer feel that the goods in their hands are needed and make them buy them. To do this, it is important to know the product well. Those who do internships in this field need to work extra hard because only those who know the product well can market it well. In order to work in the right field, everyone should be able to express themselves correctly in job and internship applications so that they can be directed to the right field." Hüseyin Memişoğlu, who also stated that he adopted his father's saying 'there is no end to the end' in his business life with his father and adopted the principle of not postponing in his life, told our students that their age is very valuable and that they can do many jobs when they are young because their physical and mental capacities will decrease over time; for this reason, it is very important to have general culture, to create a human network and to become equipped during the education period. 

He also emphasized the importance of labor and apprenticeship, saying "apprenticeship can be done at a young age and over time one can become a master at work. However, no work without apprenticeship can be mastered" and emphasized the importance of labor, internship and apprenticeship. In addition to these, DENİB President emphasized the importance of language learning; English and Spanish are the two most common languages.
Before moving on to the question and answer session, he concluded his speech by reminding the students to understand the efforts of their parents to earn money, survive and survive, and for them to adopt this philosophy for their children in the future, to read a lot of books because reading books offers experiences and life stories, that is, each book means a different perspective, to be solution-oriented and to produce specific solutions to the problems they face, that opportunities will not always come up against them, so when they have an opportunity, they should make good use of it, and that the one who discovers the need will manage the relationship.
After his speech, DENİB President Hüseyin Memişoğlu, who answered the questions of the students, was presented a certificate of appreciation by the School Director Prof. Dr. Nergis Biray.

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