"Disaster Awareness Training" Conference Organized at Honaz Vocational School

Denizli Provincial Disaster and Emergency Directorate (AFAD) Training Branch trainers gave "Disaster Awareness Training" to the staff and students at Pamukkale University Honaz Vocational School.
Honaz Vocational School administrators, academicians, staff and students attended the training held at Honaz Vocational School Conference Hall. In the training where the measures to be taken in case of disaster and emergency were explained, students were also informed about the AFAD volunteering project.

Can Osman Altıparmak and Mehmet Öneri, Denizli AFAD Training Branch Specialists, called on Honaz Vocational School students and staff for AFAD volunteering and stated that they provide trainings and information in many schools and institutions in order to provide individuals with the right behaviors to be done before, during and after disasters, especially earthquakes, which are frequently seen in our country. In the conference; information was given about the preparations to be made before the disaster, preparing earthquake bags, correct behavior during the disaster, first moments after the disaster, fire, evacuation, first aid, psychological first aid.

After the training, Mustafa Onur Kaçaroğlu, Deputy Director of Honaz Vocational School, thanked Can Osman Altıparmak and Mehmet Öneri, Specialists of Denizli AFAD Training Branch, for their contributions and presented a plaque in memory of the day.

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