Career Talks Event Organized at DSBMYO

Within the scope of the Career Planning course of Denizli Vocational School of Social Sciences (DSBMYO) Foreign Trade Department, Lecturer. Assist. Prof. Dr. Mükrime Öksüz Demirgubuz organized "Career Talks" event, ERKACHAN Tekstil Dış Ticaret A.Ş. founder and manager Eser Erkaçan met with the students.
Eser Erkaçan, who graduated from Ege University Textile Engineering, shared his career experiences and the path she followed by working in different positions in various companies such as Deniz Tekstil, Eke Tekstil, MS Home Tekstil and Kocaer Tekstil before establishing her own company.
Erkaçan stated that ERKACHAN Tekstil started its activities as a representative company, and that the company, which started to produce by establishing its own garment production facility since 2023, has been exporting to countries such as America, Canada, England, Japan and Australia with a 100% export focus. Erkaçan stated that he had the goal of working abroad in his career and that in order to achieve this goal, he ensured that the infrastructure was created to open branches in different countries in the companies he worked for. Erkaçan stated that he worked without giving up in order to be successful in his career and that he always strived to do better. Erkaçan received questions on topics such as what employees and interns pay attention to in employment evaluations, the support provided by the company to employees, his climb up the career ladder and his entrepreneurial success in the establishment of ERKACHAN Tekstil. He also emphasized the importance of having knowledge in customs, logistics and sales activities as well as foreign trade skills for employees to carry out foreign trade activities. Emphasizing that each student should equip themselves with different competencies and the importance of ensuring stability in working life, Erkaçan also stated that they offer support such as language skills to their staff who want to improve themselves. The event ended with the presentation of a certificate of appreciation to Eser Erkaçan.

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