A New Horizon in Our Foreign Trade in the 100th Anniversary of the Republic Turkey's Vision for Africa

At Pamukkale University (PAU) Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, a talk on "A New Horizon in Our Foreign Trade in the 100th Year of Our Republic: Turkey's Africa Vision" was held by Utku Bengisu, founder of African Trade Centers.

The event organized by the Department of International Trade and Finance was attended by PAU Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan, PAU Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Dean Prof. Dr. Ender Coşkun, DENİB President Hüseyin Memişoğlu, MÜSİAD Denizli Branch President Engin Boyacı, business people, faculty members and students.

In his opening speech, Dean Prof. Dr. Ender Coşkun emphasized that the African continent stands out as the rising value of the 21st century with its cultural accumulation and great potential, and that it has become an increasingly important actor on the global stage. In his speech, DENİB President Hüseyin Memişoğlu gave information about Denizli's foreign trade and trade potential with Africa.

In his speech, Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan stated that very important events were held at Pamukkale University in a manner befitting the 100th anniversary of the Republic. He emphasized that PAU aims to integrate with the city in accordance with its mission and vision, and that it is important to act together in order to bring PAU to the first places in scientific rankings among universities and Denizli to the first places in exports. He pointed out that PAU has academicians who are experts in their fields, and that both our city and our university will rise to higher ranks with the dissemination of 3+1 and 7+1 education models.

In the conversation moderated by Prof. Dr. İlhan Küçükkaplan, Utku Bengisu, Founder of African Trade Centers, gave important information on issues such as the supports provided by our government in exports to Africa, procurement and sales processes, and answered questions from the participants.

At the end of the conference, Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan presented a plaque of appreciation to the speaker Utku Bengisu and DENIB President Hüseyin Memişoğlu.

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