100 Saplings Planted at PAU on the 100th Anniversary of the Republic

On the 100th anniversary of our Republic, Pamukkale University Faculty of Tourism created a 100th Anniversary Memorial Grove.
100 pine trees were planted in the 100th Year Tourism Memorial Grove by Pamukkale University Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan, Dean of the Faculty of Tourism Prof. Dr. Serkan Bertan, academic, administrative staff and students.        

Rector Kutluhan: "We planted 100 pine tree saplings and named the area we created '100th Year Tourism Memorial Grove'."

Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan, who planted the first tree in the event area, said the following in his speech at the event: "As Pamukkale University, we have planted 100 pine tree saplings in order to leave a memory of our Republic, which we have started to celebrate 100 years as of this year, and we named the area we created as the 100th Year Tourism Memorial Grove. Our centennial celebrations started with such a beautiful event, and we wish it to continue with more beautiful ones. May these trees, like our Republic, live until the next century! I would like to thank Prof. Dr. Serkan Bertan, Dean of the Faculty of Tourism, for organizing the event.

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