TIGED Regional Meeting Held at PAU

Pamukkale University Faculty of Medicine hosted the Regional Meeting of Transplantation and Immunology and Genetics Association (TIGED).
The first of the opening speeches was delivered by Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Selçuk Yüksel. Prof. Dr. Yüksel stated the following: "My professors, whom I look up to as role models in my professional life, are here now. The adventure of the Pediatric Nephrology Department of Pamukkale University started in 2009. In 2010, Pamukkale University Pediatric Nephrology unit developed with the establishment of the branch of science and our colleagues and brothers who were trained afterwards. Today, everything is done in the name of nephrology at our University. Since today's topic is about transplantation, I would like to thank our Chief Physician Prof. Dr. Murat Özban. He is our transplant surgeon. Without him, we would not exist. I would like to thank you all very much for coming. I offer my regards."

The second of the opening speeches was delivered by Prof. Dr. Aydın Türkmen, President of Transplantation Immunology and Genetics Association (TIGED). Prof. Dr. Türkmen expressed the following in his speech: "First of all, I would like to thank Pamukkale University Administration for agreeing to host this meeting. I would like to give brief information about our association and the work we carry out: Our association, which was established in 2006, has friends working in all disciplines of transplantation. There are three indispensable disciplines of transplantation, with biology at the forefront. These are medical branches such as nephrology and hepatology, surgical branches and immunology. If one of these three disciplines is missing, unfortunately it is not possible to perform effective and successful transplantation. Immunology is a very new and open branch and can be recommended to young students if they are curious. Today's topics will be mostly about transplantation immunology. The aim of our association is to inform its stakeholders in the field of transplantation and to bring them up to date. To spread this information sharing all over our country, to contribute to the development of young talents in this field by bringing them to the forefront. Since 2006, we have been organizing national-international-regional congresses every two years. Our main goal in the regional meeting we are holding here today is to accelerate these activities of universities whose transplantation activities have just started or are developing and to increase transplantation awareness in cities. In today's meeting, transplantation is the scientific and medical precious section of almost all societies, very attractive things are happening, you are really doing life-saving things and you are doing them in a very economical way. In addition to these, we will discuss the medical problems in organ transplantation and innovations in solving these problems. I wish it to be a successful and effective meeting."

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