Prof. Dr. Ruhi Ersoy Gives a Talk on "Turkish World and Leading Country Turkey"

With the cooperation of Denizli Governorship, Denizli Metropolitan Municipality and Pamukkale University, Prof. Dr. Ruhi ERSOY, Faculty Member of Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University and Chief Advisor to the President of Nationalist Movement Party, held a conference on 'Turkish World and Leading Country Turkey'.
Prof. Dr. Ersoy : "We respect more those who work and labor on the process of straightening the Turkish world and building the national future together with the Turkish nation and state."

Prof. Dr. Ruhi Ersoy told in his speech: "Today, Turkey is discussing many issues together, but the side that concerns us is not about discussing and doing nothing, but we respect more those who work and work on the process of straightening the Turkish world and building the national future together with the Turkish nation and state.

Prof. Dr. Ersoy: "It is not only Turkey's issue but also the world's issue."

Prof. Dr. Ersoy also mentioned climate change, migration problem and uncontrolled digitalization in his speech and warned that climate change may come to the point where it will create climate migrants in the future. Therefore, he gave the news that green transformation and renewable energy will have an impact both in the world and in Turkey.

Touching briefly on the migration problem, Prof. Dr. Ersoy said: "350 million people are in migration. This is not only Turkey's issue but also the world's issue. In the coming days, harmonization and integration related to these are the issues that the world will discuss a lot."

Prof. Dr. Ersoy also touched on the issue of digitalization in the conference and mentioned that digital addiction is a very dangerous situation and that this addiction is a category of digital addiction that is evaluated like substance addiction category even in Green Crescent.

At the end of the conference, Prof. Dr. Ruhi Ersoy was presented a gift by Mayor of Denizli Metropolitan Municipality Osman Zolan and Pamukkale University Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan.

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