II. International Serahsî Symposium to be Hosted by PAU

II. International Serahsî Symposium, which will be organized by Pamukkale University Graduate School of Islamic Sciences and Kyrgyzstan Osh University Faculty of Theology, will be held on October 27-28, 2023 at Pamukkale University Graduate School of Islamic Sciences Conference Hall in Yatağan.
The symposium, which will discuss the influence of Abu Bakr Muhammad b. Abî Sahl al-Sarahsî (d. 483/1090), who is one of the cornerstones in the history of Islamic sciences with his life, views and works, and a name known by contemporary jurists in terms of legal notion and legal philosophy, on the Islamic world and his contribution to the concept of the rule of law and constitutional state, will be attended by the President of Religious Affairs Prof. Dr. Ali Erbaş, Mayor of Denizli Metropolitan Municipality Osman Zolan, Rector of Pamukkale University Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Gaye Foundation Prof. Dr. M. Cevat Akşit, Rector of Lebanon - Tripoli University Prof. Dr. Raafat Mıkatı, Rector of Osh State University Prof. Dr. Kudaiberdi Gaparalıevich, more than sixty expert scientists and researchers from various universities in Turkey and abroad are planned to participate.

Detailed information about the symposium program to be held on October 27-28, 2023 can be found at https://www.pau.edu.tr/islamiilimler/tr/sayfa/ii-uluslararasi-serahs%C3%AE-sempozyumu-ozet-bildiri-kitapcigiii-international-serahsi-symposium-summary-presentation-booklet .

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