Great Honor from the UK to Pau Faculty Members

The article in the field of textile dyeing, which emerged from the TÜBİTAK project jointly carried out by the PAU Textile Engineering and Chemistry Departments, was selected as the Best Technical Article of 2020 in the UK and was awarded the Research Medal.

The article named “Dyeing of poly(lactic acid) fibers with synthesized novel heterocyclic disazo disperse dyes”, one of the outputs of Tübitak 3501 Career Project, was published in the scientific journal "Coloration Technology" published by Society Dyers and Colorists (SDC) in England in 2020. The article titled "Dyeing of poly(lactic acid) fibers with synthesized novel heterocyclic diazo disperse dyes", published in the scientific journal Coloration Technology in 2020, was chosen Best Technical Article of 2020 by the Society Dyers and Colorists (SDC), a recognized global organization with an international professional community specialized in all fields of dyeing, coloring and color, and the headquarters of which is in England, and by the Worshipful Company of Dyers of the City of London, which has a rich tradition of connection with coloring dating back to centuries.



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