Future Dentists Wear Their White Coats

The 2023-2024 Academic Year Academic Opening Ceremony and White Coat Wearing Ceremony organized by Pamukkale University Faculty of Dentistry was held at PAU Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Yılmaz Congress and Culture Center.

After the moment of silence and the reading of the National Anthem, Dean of PAU Faculty of Dentistry Prof. Dr. Hayati Murat Akgül and Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan made their speeches.

Dean Prof. Dr. Akgül: "Being a dentist means being intertwined with the society."

Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry Prof. Dr. Hayati Murat Akgül stated the following in his speech: "The current day in our country is celebrated as World Dentistry Day on November 22nd and the week we are in is celebrated as Community Oral and Dental Health Week. I congratulate all my colleagues on World Dentists' Day. We hold the traditional white coat wearing ceremony at our university every year during this week as it will further reinforce the meaning and importance of the day. Being a dentist is not only about having a prestigious profession. Being a dentist means being intertwined with the society. It is to raise awareness of the society about oral and dental health and thus to improve their general health status. Our primary goal is to raise our patients as individuals who are modern, honest and respectful of ethical values. We want to graduate you not only as a competent dentist, but also without losing your human values and innocence, protecting the republic, and with the love of serving our homeland and nation.  It is our greatest wish that you will experience the joy and pride of the white coats we put on you today at the diploma ceremony at the end of the fifth year. Although we are a young faculty, we continue to grow and develop our faculty with the support of our Rector and University Administration. Most recently, with the support of our Rector and Hospital Administration, we started to carry out treatment under general anesthesia about six months ago. In this way, we have met a great need of our city. I would like to thank them once again."

Rector Kutluhan: "Dentists are the key to health."

Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan stated the following in his speech at the ceremony: "Pamukkale University is in its 31st year. This year we are celebrating the 100th anniversary of our Republic, and as Pamukkale University, we are organizing and continuing to organize 100th anniversary events worthy of the 100th anniversary events of our Republic. Pamukkale University is a university that is getting stronger. While 2-3 students from the strongest science high schools in Denizli preferred our University, 17 students preferred this year. This shows that our University has become a university accepted by the city. We said that dentistry should serve disabled individuals and elderly patients, and we have achieved this. We provide this treatment to patients who need dental treatment with general anesthesia. As of next year, we will start the construction of the new building of our dentistry. Pamukkale University is a university that does not fit within its borders. It has established strong ties with the city. Pamukkale University is a producing university. Since it produces its students and educates them in the best way, it conducts patent innovation R&D studies. Today, it reveals that Pamukkale University is a fact that Pamukkale University is a guide of life with its technology transfer office through Teknokent and the consultant professors it has brought to our city. Again, with our 'Denizli History Meetings' programs, the first of which we held last month and which we will hold every month, Pamukkale University is not a university withdrawn to its borders. It is a university that exists in social life and exists with the city. The white coat is a representation of this. The most important thing for a dentist is to ensure the survival of a tooth. Our dentists, who apply treatments to keep a tooth alive, know that teeth are necessary for health. Health starts in the mouth. A dentist enters into a person's mouth. Patients entrust their 32 teeth to dentists. The dentist applies various treatments as well as dental care. The cleaner our oral hygiene is, the better our health is. In other words, dentists are the key to health. We wish to graduate with these aprons, to start life and to serve people. I greet you all again with respect and love." 

After the opening speeches, a group of students from the Faculty of Dentistry presented a music concert to the audience. After the music recital, a group of fifth-year students from the Faculty of Dentistry played the harmandali zeybek dance.

Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry Prof. Dr. Hayati Murat Akgül, President of Denizli Chamber of Dentists Musa Akyol, deans and faculty members presented the white coats to the second year students of Pamukkale University Faculty of Dentistry for the 2023-2024 Academic Year.

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