Disaster Awareness Training at Honaz Vocational School

"Disaster Awareness Training" was given to the students of Pamukkale University (PAU) Honaz Vocational School (MYO) by the trainers of Denizli Provincial Disaster and Emergency Directorate.

Denizli Provincial Disaster and Emergency Directorate trainers gave "Disaster Awareness Training" to PAU Honaz Vocational School students. Honaz Vocational School Office Management and Secretariat Department. Assist. Vedat Erçak organized by the students within the scope of the "Social Responsibility" course conducted by Honaz Vocational School Office Management and Secretarial Department; department lecturers and department students attended the training. In the training organized in the Honaz Vocational School Conference Hall, where the measures to be taken in case of disaster and emergency were explained, students were also informed about the "AFAD Volunteering" project. 

AFAD trainers Mehmet Öneri and Zeycan Tanrıkulu called on Honaz Vocational School students for AFAD volunteering, which consists of people who contribute to the society before, during and after disasters and emergencies by using their physical strength, time, knowledge, ability and experience, without any material expectation, without individual interests for solidarity and solidarity. Zeycan Tanrıkulu stated that applications were received via e-government and training plans were created for the students who applied. Students showed great interest in the training where information about what to do during disasters such as earthquakes, fires, floods, floods and emergency measures were conveyed.

In his speech at the end of the training, Honaz Vocational School Vice Director, Head of Office Management and Secretariat Department Lect. Aytekin Çermik thanked AFAD officials for their contribution to the training planned by the students within the scope of the Social Responsibility course and stated that it is aimed to increase the individual's sensitivity to disasters, to be ready for disaster situations such as earthquakes, landslides, floods, avalanches, fires, etc. in order to create and disseminate disaster awareness culture through trainings given in institutions.

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