Department of Labor Economics and Industrial Relations Participates in AKADEMEK Student Assembly

The AKADEMEK (The Word is in the Students of Labor Economics) Student Assembly, organized in cooperation with the Turkish Metal Union and Uludağ University Department of Labor Economics and Industrial Relations, convened in Karadeniz Ereğli on April 25-28, 2024.
Pamukkale University (PAU) LEIR Department students also took part in the congress, which emphasized the cooperation between academia and trade unions. Representing PAU, Beyza Gediz, Sefa Keskin, Taha Mert Döner, Zaide Gülenay Başar, Selinay Aksoy, Feyza Nur Dağdelen and Berfu Altöz participated in the congress under the coordination of Prof. Dr. Kamil Orhan and Research Assistant Erkan Kıdak. Beyza Gediz prepared a paper titled “Psychological Resilience as a Psycho-Social Preventive Tool in University Students” under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Kamil Orhan; Berfu Altöz prepared a paper titled “The Effect of Social Compliance Controls on Union Freedoms: The Case of Metal Industry", prepared under the supervision of Research Assistant Erkan Kıdak.

Prof. Dr. Kamil Orhan, who moderated the closing panel of the congress, thanked all the veterans of the union, especially Uysal Altundağ, President of the Turkish Metal Union, and Uludağ University Department of Labor Economics and Industrial Relations faculty members, research assistants, project assistants and students for organizing this meaningful event that strengthens the bond between university students and unions. In his speech, Prof. Dr. Orhan stated that Pamukkale University Department of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations is always ready to put its hand under the stone in the organization and execution of such events.

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