Debate Event on "The Effects of Social Media" Held at Honaz Vocational School

At Pamukkale University (PAU) Honaz Vocational School, a debate event centered on the topic "The effects of Social Media, positive or negative?" was organized by the students of the Department of Marketing and Advertising.
Honaz Vocational School Marketing and Advertising Department first year students prepared the debate, one of the types of meetings they studied in their "Communication Knowledge" and "Persuasive Communication" courses in the fall semester, as an event.

"The effects of Social Media, positive or negative?" was held in the Honaz Vocational School conference hall. In the debate, which was attended by the students of the Marketing Program and Public Relations Program in the Department of Marketing Advertising and Public Relations and the lecturers; how institutions, brands and individuals are affected by social media in social and business life, and the positive and negative effects of social media on the lives of individuals and brands were discussed. 

Lect. Selin Çimçek, who conducts Communication Information and Persuasive Communication courses, stated that in the fall semester of the 2023-2024 Academic Year, they wanted to crown the results of their education with an applied event with the first-year students of the Department of Marketing and the Department of Public Relations and that their students worked devotedly and prepared by making articles, research results, theses, interviews.

Head of the Marketing and Advertising Department, Lect. Dr. Melda Gölemezli stated that as a department, they attach importance to the performance evaluations of the courses, and that an education program is prepared to combine theory and practice in all courses, and presented certificates of appreciation to the students who participated in the debate.

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