Miniature Exhibition Opens at PAU Hospitals
Miniature Photography Exhibition Opens at PAU Hospitals as Part of March 14 Medicine Day Events

An exhibition held at the PAU Hospitals Exhibition Hall was inaugurated with the participation of PAU Hospitals Deputy Chief Physician Prof. Dr. Mustafa Çelik, PAU Hospitals Chief Administrator Serhan Keserlioğlu, Pamukkale Municipality Deputy Mayor Uğur Çizmecioğlu, Provincial Directorate of National Education Branch Manager Yavuz Çağlar, Türk Eğitim-Sen President Emre Erdoğan, Pamukkale Public Education Center Director Cengiz Sarıca, master instructor Ömer Kurt, numerous healthcare professionals, and patients receiving treatment at PAU Hospitals.
The "Miniature" exhibition was organized by the Pamukkale Public Education Center to commemorate March 14th, Medicine Day. The exhibition features 47 miniature artworks derived from the renowned Ottoman-era physician and surgeon Şerefeddin Sabuncuoğlu’s medical manuscript Cerrahiyetü'l-Haniyye, which illustrates and explains the medical treatments of that period. The miniatures were created by master instructor Ömer Kurt and his trainees from the Pamukkale Public Education Center.
During the opening ceremony, Pamukkale Public Education Center Director Cengiz Sarıca stated:
"I extend my heartfelt congratulations to our esteemed doctors and all healthcare professionals on the occasion of Medicine Day. Today, we gather here to inaugurate this exhibition, which presents the primitive treatment methods and surgical instruments used in the 14th century by Şerefeddin Sabuncuoğlu. This remarkable project was meticulously prepared by our master instructor Ömer Kurt and his dedicated trainees. The miniatures that served as inspiration for this exhibition come from Cerrahiyetü'l-Haniyye, a medical book written by Şerefeddin Sabuncuoğlu, a distinguished Ottoman physician and surgeon born in 1386 in Amasya. His book covers a wide range of medical fields, including gynecology, plastic surgery, ophthalmology, ENT (ear, nose, and throat diseases), thoracic surgery, and general surgery. It contains 140 illustrated medical treatment methods. Our trainees have selected and recreated over 40 miniatures depicting these treatment techniques. In a short while, we will witness the remarkable efforts and dedication that brought these works to life.
Through this exhibition, we are also delighted to bring together educators and healthcare professionals. I sincerely thank each of you for your participation. I would like to extend my gratitude to our master instructor Ömer Kurt, our trainees, the Metropolitan Municipality for providing workshop space, the PAU Hospitals’ Chief Physician’s Office and Administration for their support in organizing the exhibition, and in particular, Deputy Hospital Administrator Melek Hare for her assistance throughout the exhibition process. Furthermore, I extend my special thanks to Provincial Directorate of National Education Lifelong Learning Branch Manager Yavuz Çağlar, Pamukkale Municipality Deputy Mayor Uğur Çizmecioğlu, and Türk Eğitim-Sen Provincial President Emre Erdoğan for honoring us with their presence."
Following the opening ceremony, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Çelik presented a certificate of appreciation to Pamukkale Public Education Center Director Cengiz Sarıca, while Chief Administrator Serhan Keserlioğlu awarded certificates to master instructor Ömer Kurt and the trainees for their contributions to the exhibition.