Visit to the New President from Çal Vocational School Administration

Pamukkale University (PAU) Çal Vocational School Management visited Ahmet Hakan, who was elected as the Mayor of Çal in the March 31, 2024 General Elections of Local Authorities, and conveyed their wishes for good luck.
Çal Vocational School Director Assist. Prof. Dr. Aysel Yeşilyurt Er, Deputy Directors Dr. Çiğdem Elgin Karabacak, Lect. Dr. İsmail İşler and School Secretary Serkan Sert visited Ahmet Hakan, who was elected as the Mayor of Çal in the General Elections of Local Authorities on March 31, 2024, in his office and conveyed their wishes for good luck.

The delegation emphasized the importance of making important contributions to Çal and its region together with Çal Vocational School and Çal Municipality and took a photo after the visit.

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