Two Important Events Held at the Faculty of Health Sciences

"Pink October Breast Cancer Awareness Event" and "Give a Hand to Life Awareness Event" were held at Pamukkale University (PAU) Faculty of Health Sciences.

"Pink October Breast Cancer Awareness Event" was the first of the events organized by PAU Faculty of Health Sciences within the scope of the 100th anniversary of the Republic. Dean Prof. Dr. Sevgi Özkan, academicians and guests attended the event.

"Pink Kite" Flown at the Pink October Breast Cancer Awareness Event

Dean of PAU Faculty of Health Sciences Prof. Dr. Sevgi Özkan made the following statements in her speech at the program: "October was declared as 'Breast Cancer Awareness Month' by the American Cancer Society in 1985 to raise public awareness about breast cancer. In 2004, the World Health Organization designated October 1-31 as 'Breast Cancer Awareness and Awareness Month'. Since then, events have been organized in October as 'Breast Cancer Awareness Month' in our country. 'Pink October Breast Cancer Awareness Event' was organized on October 16, 2023 to raise awareness of breast cancer with the support of the Provincial Health Directorate and the Breast Care Nursing sub-working group of the Oncology Nurses Association, hosted by Pamukkale University Faculty of Health Sciences, prepared within the scope of the 100th Anniversary of our Republic Activities. Within the scope of the event, training on breast cancer was given to the participants by the faculty members of our faculty, and the participants were screened for breast cancer in the Cancer Screening Truck-Pink Truck in front of our faculty. At the stand next to the Pink Truck, faculty students distributed pink ribbons and breast self-examination brochures to reach more people. The Pink Truck is planned to stay in front of the Faculty of Health Sciences between October 16-20 and continue its screenings. In addition, it was planned that the night lighting in the area where the Pink Truck was located would be pink and a Pink Kite event was organized to raise awareness of our students about breast cancer. As the Faculty of Health Sciences, we continue to take measures to protect and improve public health and to contribute to public health at the highest level.  I hope to reach a more conscious and healthy society in this month, which is designated as Breast Cancer Awareness and Awareness month."

Give a Hand to Life Awareness Event

Another event organized by the Faculty of Health Sciences within the scope of the 100th Anniversary of the Republic Activities was the "Give a Hand to Life Awareness Event" attended by PAU Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan and Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Necip Atar. In the event, Dr. Mustafa Yorgancı gave training to the students of the Faculty of Health Sciences.

Dean of PAU Faculty of Health Sciences Prof. Dr. Sevgi Özkan stated the following in her speech at the event: "In order to raise awareness about the importance of cardiac arrest and CPR, various activities are held in many countries every year in the week including October 16 as 'World Restart a Heart Day' under the title of 'Raising Awareness about Cardiac Arrest Day'. With the 'Give a Hand to Life' project supported by the European Resuscitation Association, it is aimed to teach every segment of the society what to do when they encounter 'sudden cardiac arrest' and to provide 'basic life support' training to as many people as possible. As the Faculty of Health Sciences, we care about taking part in activities that will protect and improve public health. In this context, in order to raise awareness on this important issue, we say 'Everyone in the world can save lives' and we aim to spread this discourse to as many people as possible. We plan for everyone who will participate in the event to experience CPR by saying 'give a hand to life'. In line with this goal, we aim to perform CPR with 100 people at the same time on the 100th anniversary of our Republic and we want to continue this activity with hundreds of people. We expect this event, which aims to reach individuals from all segments of society, to raise awareness about the importance of CPR in sudden cardiac arrest. We hope that this awareness will make a significant contribution to public health by creating knowledge and behavioral changes in the participants about the importance of CPR."

Rector Kutluhan: "CPR may be needed wherever life continues"

Speaking at the event where the students of the Faculty of Health Sciences performed heart massage at the same time, Rector Kutluhan said: "Drawing attention to the importance of knowing CPR; CPR may be needed wherever life continues. Expecting first aid applications such as CPR and artificial respiration only from doctors may cause irreversible consequences. Therefore, it is important to be able to perform CPR. I would like to thank our Dean Prof. Dr. Sevgi Özkan and the Faculty of Health Sciences for organizing this event."

Rector Prof. Dr. Kutluhan presented a certificate of appreciation to Dr. Mustafa Yorgancı for his contribution to the event at the end of the program.

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