The Renovation Reproduction Work of Ataturk's Bathrobe Done by a Faculty Member from PAU

Renovation and reproduction of Ataturk's bathrobe on display at Istanbul Maritime Museum was completed by Pamukkale University faculty member Assoc. Dr. Şöhret Aktepe Dal and her team as a result of approximately a year of work. Related to the study, Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan said, "Our main goal is to protect this robe worn by our ancestor, just as we protect our Republic, of which Mustafa Kemal Ataturk was the founder." The renewed robe of Atatürk will continue to be exhibited at Istanbul Maritime Museum.

Assoc. Dr. Dal: "We have had the honor and happiness of bringing this precious memory left to us from our ancestor back to life and making it visible by being faithful to its original form.”

Pamukkale University Faculty of Architecture and Design faculty member, Textile and Fashion Design Department Head Assoc. Dr. Şöhret Aktepe Dal gave the following information about the project: “During our visit to the Naval Forces Command Maritime Museum, Atatürk's robe was exhibited in the cabin where Atatürk stayed belonging to the Ertuğrul Yacht. We met with the director of the museum about our request to renew Atatürk's robe. As a result of the correspondence with the Naval Forces Command, we received our permits from the Maritime Museum. The renovation work took about a year. During this time, with the encouragement of Esteemed Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan, we took the measurements after making the necessary examinations at the Maritime Museum in Istanbul. Then the pantone color variant was detected. It was prepared by being faithful to the original with its colors, three-thread weaving, sewing techniques and measurements. We did the fabric analysis with an expert team and the mixing of the dyes with another expert team. We believe that the robe was given to our ancestor as a gift from England. Because the bathrobe is compatible with the technical towels woven at that time both in terms of colors and technique in the city of Manchester, England. Since the colors used on it, along with the variants, are the colors in the color scale, which are called the noble colors of the British Royal Family, it is believed that the robe was given to Atatürk as a gift from England. Everyone on my team was very excited during this process. We were very touched when the colonel on duty opened the robe for us to examine. It is a very nice feeling to touch a garment that our ancestor wore! We experienced the happiness of bringing that memory left to us from our ancestor back to life and making it visible by being faithful to its original form.”

Rector Kutluhan, "Pamukkale University students will protect the Republic just like the clothes that our Ancestor personally wore.”

Conveying his feelings and thoughts about the robe reproduction project, Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan expressed the following: “Our main goal here is to claim this robe worn by our Ancestor, just as we claim our Republic, of which Mustafa Kemal Ataturk was the founder. Because he has entrusted the Republic of Turkey to the youth. I am currently representing 45 thousand students as the Rector of Pamukkale University. I can say with pride that Pamukkale University students will protect the Republic as well as the clothes that our Ancestor personally wore. In this sense, we are very happy, we are very proud. We will re-deliver this robe, which we received as a trust from the Naval Forces Command Maritime Museum, to them. The renewed reproduction of the ancestral robe will also be exhibited at the Naval Forces Command Maritime Museum.

Rector Kutluhan: "Pamukkale University has been protecting its national and spiritual values since the day it was founded and has been educating the students with this vision.”

Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan continued his words, “We have a 30-year history as Pamukkale University. There is a Textile and Fashion Design Department that we opened in our Faculty of Architecture and Design, which was accepted by Higher Education Council Presidency, which came across the period when I became the rector. Because Denizli is a textile city! The priority in textiles is also design. Therefore, first of all, I would like to thank our Higher Education Council President and Members very much. Pamukkale University has been protecting its national and spiritual values since the day it was founded and with this vision, it is also educating its students and contributing to society at the same time. And it will continue to contribute! Those of us who act with the motto that if we can do one job, we can also do other jobs, would like to reproduce the other clothes of our Ancestor. This is what we want, this is our desire! And he concluded his speech saying, "Thank you very much!"

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