Strong Interest from Students to PAU's "Seyr-i Bilim" Project

The implementations of the project, supported by the "TÜBİTAK Science and Society Programs 4007 Science Festivals Support Program", were held on the Seyir Tepesi, hosted by Pamukkale Municipality, between September 29 and October 1, 2022.
In her opening speech, Dr. Merve Kocagül stated that “they expect that the learning motivation of the participants will increase, their interest in different science disciplines will develop, and in this way, the science-society interaction will be encouraged in the society”. Pre-school education institutions, primary, secondary and high school students and families were the visitors of the project, which attracted great interest.

The aim is to develop scientific literacy and disseminate science culture in society.

With the project, which was basically aimed at improving the scientific literacy of the society and spreading the scientific culture in the society, various activities were prepared in the context of different science disciplines in accordance with the eight basic competence areas within the scope of the Turkish Competences Framework and presented to all Denizli people, the target audience of the project. Forty-two different activities within the scope of the project include virtual reality, gamification, creative drama, experimental applications, simulation and many other methods.

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