Rector Kutluhan Presents Certificates to PAU Children's University Students
Pamukkale University Child and Youth Education Application and Research Center met with students of Magic Science School activities. On the last day of the activities, Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan presented the participation certificates to the children participating in the activities.
Within the scope of the Coding Workshop conducted by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fatma Taşkın Ekici, an introduction to coding and basic algorithm training were given. Magic science, volcanic eruption and scented stone activities were held as part of the Science Workshop under the instructorship of Assoc.Prof. Dr. Aslıhan Arslan Kartal. Under the guidance of Assist. Prof. Dr. Esin Turan Güllaç, rhythm studies were performed using the wak-a tab in the Music Workshop. Under the guidance of Lect. Havva Kutlu Ergür, intellectual reading and creative reading activities on fairy tales and stories were carried out in the Creative Reading Workshop. Under the guidance of Res. Assist. Serkan Aytekin, drama studies were carried out with the techniques of frozen image, pantomime and animation in the drama workshop.