Rector Kutluhan and Mayor Zolan Meet with Student Communities

Denizli Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Osman Zolan and Pamukkale University (PAU) Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan came together with Pamukkale University student groups for the Aegean Region Career Fair 2023 (EgeKaf'23) Information Meeting, which will be held in Denizli on 24-25 February 2023.

At the meeting, a general information presentation about EgeKaf was made by PAU KARMER Director Dr. M. Ulaş Koyuncuoğlu. In the presentation, in which information about the aims and objectives of EgeKaf, one of the career fairs organized under the leadership of the Human Resources Office, and partner universities; information was also given on Talent Structure, Career Gate, National Internship Program, YTNK TV, The Word in Talent.

After the presentation, a short video presentation describing the activities of Denizli Metropolitan Municipality City Council Youth Assembly was watched. After the presentations, Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan and then Denizli Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Osman Zolan delivered speeches to the students.

After the speeches, the meeting continued with a question and answer session. Members of PAU Student Societies exchanged information by asking questions about transportation, accommodation, infrastructure and various activities planned for EgeKaf'23. The meeting, which also exchanged views on the participation and HR procedures of national-local companies requested to participate in the fair from various sectors, and the stands planned to take place on different subjects, ended with a photo taken at the end of the meeting.

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