PAU Succeeds Quality Assurance Again

Pamukkale University (PAU) succeeded in becoming "Institutionally Accredited" as a result of the evaluation made within the scope of the Higher Education Quality Board (YÖKAK) Institutional Accreditation Program. At the Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education Conference held in Ankara, Rector Kutluhan received PAU's 'Institutional Accreditation' certificate from the hands of YÖK President Prof. Dr. Erol Özvar and YÖKAK President Prof. Dr. Ümit Kocabıçak.

Within the scope of the 2023 Institutional Accreditation Program carried out by the Higher Education Quality Board (YÖKAK) Presidency, it was decided to grant 'Institutional Accreditation' to Pamukkale University.

Representing PAU at the 2024 YÖKAK - International Quality Assurance and Accreditation Conference held at Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University, Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan, Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Necip Atar, PAU Quality and Data Evaluation Application and Research Center (KAVDEM) Director Prof. Dr. Yıldıray Turhan, KAVDEM Board Members Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ferda Esin Gülel, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Senem Pak, Community Service and Social Responsibility Application and Research Center (TOHSAM) Director Dr. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Öncü Yanmaz Arpacı attended.

Rector Kutluhan shared his happiness with the PAU family by receiving PAU's Accreditation Certificate at the 2024 YÖKAK - International Quality Assurance and Accreditation Conference held at Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University: "I would like to thank our academic and administrative staff and students who contributed to the accreditation process of our university." 

Rector Kutluhan: "By taking the accreditation evaluation planned for 2024 to 2023, we have brought this process forward."

Providing information about the accreditation process, Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan stated the following: "The Higher Education Quality Council (YÖKAK) Institutional Accreditation Program (KAP) is an external evaluation method that aims to qualitatively and quantitatively evaluate the quality assurance system of higher education institutions, Leadership, Governance and Quality, Education and Training, Research and Development and Social Contribution activities carried out in the institution. Within the scope of PDP, the relevant university is evaluated by YÖKAK evaluators according to the evaluation criteria. In accordance with the regulation, universities that undergo external evaluation are subject to a monitoring evaluation after two years and a mandatory accreditation evaluation after 5 years. Our university has undergone an external evaluation program in 2018, and we have submitted a declaration of intent to YÖKAK as the University Administration to be included in the accreditation evaluation in 2023. With the acceptance of the letter of intent sent by YÖKAK, our University was included in the accreditation evaluation for 2023. On June 13, 2023, we started the process by signing the Institutional Accreditation Agreement at the Quality Commission meeting held in the PAU Senate Hall and submitting it to YÖKAK. By taking the accreditation evaluation planned for 2024 to 2023, we have brought this process forward. 

At the Quality Commission meeting held in July 2023, the current status of academic units was scored according to accreditation criteria and a road map was drawn for the units to be well prepared for the accreditation process. "After PAU was included in the accreditation evaluation, we held Quality Commission meetings many times under the leadership of our management."

Rector Kutluhan: "Our university has shaped its education-training, research-development and social contribution activities within the framework of the strategies of 'Productive University', 'University Integrating with the City' and 'University is the Guide of Life'."

Rector Prof. continued his speech by giving information about the Institutional Accreditation Program Evaluation Process. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan noted: “The accreditation evaluation process consists of the Institution Internal Evaluation Report (IDR) and four different stages: Pre-Assessment, Pre-Visit, Field Visit and Post-Visit Activities. First of all, YÖKAK's institutional accreditation evaluation team made a preliminary visit online. Our PAU senior management, Senate, Quality Commission, academic and administrative unit managers, application and research centers came together with the team at the meetings held in the PAU Rectorate Senate Hall. In these meetings, the team was given information about PAU's practices regarding the questions asked by senior management and managers on the relevant topic. Our university has shaped its education, research and development and social contribution activities within the framework of the strategies of 'Productive University', 'University Integrating with the City' and 'University is the Guide of Life'. After the meetings, the field visit was planned by me and YÖKAK Accreditation Evaluation Team Chairman Prof. Dr. It was discussed and decided between Mustafa Güden. At this stage, the KAP field visit we planned for our University was carried out by  Prof. Dr. Mustafa Güden and the evaluation team between 10-13 December 2023. During the evaluation; Meetings were held with the Senior Management of our University, the University Advisory Board, the Quality Commission, the managers and staff of the Administrative Units, Pamukkale Teknokent and the Application and Research Centers in our University.
Faculty of Education, Faculty of Health Sciences and Faculty of Engineering, Graduate Schools of Science and Social Sciences, Honaz Vocational School, Vocational School of Technical Sciences were visited on-site and interviews were held with unit managers, academic staff and students. During the meetings, information was received about the dissemination of PAU quality assurance studies in the units and the details of the monitoring, evaluation and improvement methods within the scope of the Plan, Implement, Check and Take Action (PUKÖ) approach. After the visits of the YÖKAK team, our senior management and relevant managers came together at an evaluation meeting. After the field visits, as the last stage, the Institutional Accreditation Program Report (KAR) was approved by YÖKAK and the accreditation decision was published based on the KAR. It was decided to grant 'Institutional Accreditation' to Pamukkale University within the scope of the 2023 Institutional Accreditation Program carried out by the Higher Education Quality Board (YÖKAK). “Once again, I would like to thank our academic and administrative staff and students who contributed to the accreditation process of our University.”

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