PAU Marks on TECHNOFEST BLACK SEA with 12 Awards It Won
Pamukkale University (PAU) achieved a great success with a total of 12 awards in total by receiving 8 awards and 4 patent medals at TECHNOFEST Aviation, Space and Technology Festival, the final competitions of which were held in Samsun on August 30-September 4 this year. Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan said, “We achieved good success in the final competitions we participated with 18 teams and over 100 students. All of our teams are first in our hearts and eyes.”

The teams that successfully represented Pamukkale University by receiving awards in the TECHNOFEST BLACK SEA final competitions and the awards they received are as follows:
The best presentation with the first prize in the RIGID Team "Technology Contest for the Benefit of Humanity, Disaster Management" category, supervised by Dr. Armağan Bozkurt;
The 2nd place in the Smart Cities and Transportation category with the “PAYmobil” project by PAU Engineering Faculty student Oktay Semih Moran TÜBİTAK-2242 University Students Research Project Competitions,
Supervised by Assoc. Dr. Selim Koroglu and Assoc. Dr. Erkan Öztürk; ATAY Team "Electromobile Competition Domestic Product Incentive" third place;
The PUSAT Team "Unmanned Underwater Systems Competition", supervised by Dr. Hatice Hilal Ezercan Kayır, the best presentation in the advanced category;
Supervised by Assoc. Dr. Arzum Isitan, Prof. Dr. Cem Gok and Dr.Mine Sulak, ULAŞ Rocket Team's best presentation in the "Technology Contest for the Benefit of Humanity, Disaster Management" category;
The Algan UAV Team, supervised by Ömer Boyacı, the best presentation in the "Combating UAV" category;
The Hazar Rocket Team, supervised by Assoc. Dr. Arzum Işıtan, won the best design awards in the "Rocket Competitions Challenging Mission" category.