PAU Knifemaking and Hand Tools Technology Program Academicians Hold Meetings for University-Industry Cooperation
Pamukkale University (PAU) Serinhisar Vocational School Knifemaking and Hand Tools Technology Program academicians visited PİRGE company in Bursa and held cooperation talks about the planned workshop investment, internship cooperation and technical trips.

Pamukkale University Serinhisar Vocational School Director Dr. Mehmet Ali Ekinci, Knifemaking and Hand Tools Technology Program Academicians Lect. Erol Büker, Lect. Mikail Hocaoğlu and Lect. Fatih Ilgın visited PIRGE company in Bursa, Turkey's leading knife production facility, for cooperation and support negotiations and held various meetings about the planned workshop investment, internship cooperation and technical trips in the knife making department.
After the PIRGE meeting, ERMETAL, a well-established automotive sub-industry company in Bursa, and BENMAKER, a company in the ERMETAL group of companies, were visited and information was exchanged with company officials about CNC machines and universal machine tools specially produced for training workshops within BENMAKER. In the following period, ways to gain these machines produced in our knife and hand tools production technology program were discussed.
After the PIRGE meeting, ERMETAL, a well-established automotive sub-industry company in Bursa, and BENMAKER, a company in the ERMETAL group of companies, were visited and information was exchanged with company officials about CNC machines and universal machine tools specially produced for training workshops within BENMAKER. In the following period, ways to gain these machines produced in our knife and hand tools production technology program were discussed.