PAU Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Gives its first Graduates with its New Name
The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, which started its education life with the separation of Pamukkale University (PAU) Faculty of Arts and Sciences in 2022 and its structuring as the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, gave its first graduates with the Graduation Ceremony organized in 2022-2023 Academic Year.

On Tuesday, June 20, between 9.30-11.30 at PAU Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Yılmaz Congress and Culture Center, with the participation of Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan and Vice Rectors Prof. Dr. Necip Atar and Prof. Dr. Ensar Yeşilyurt, graduates were given their certificates at the graduation ceremony.
Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan emphasized the importance of social sciences and stated that today's problems can be solved through social sciences. He congratulated the graduates and their families. Dean of the Faculty Prof. Dr. Yasemin Beyazıt stated that this graduation ceremony is very meaningful for them as the 2022-2023 graduates will be the first graduates of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and asked them to act with the motto "The most true mentor in life is knowledge" in their future lives.
During the ceremony, Helin Okay, an English Language and Literature student who was going to graduate this year and who died in the February 6 earthquake, and her family were remembered with mercy.
After the ceremony, the graduation event continued in the garden of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. In the faculty garden, graduating students shared their graduation happiness with their families, academic and administrative staff. At the stands set up in the event area, graduating students and parents were offered pilaf, ayran, tea, cotton candy and Ottoman paste. At the photo booth, students had their graduation photos taken with their friends, families and professors.
The ceremony ended with the students throwing their caps collectively. The students who threw their caps again collectively at the faculty thanked the dean of the faculty for this event and stated that the event left a good memory for them and their families.
Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan emphasized the importance of social sciences and stated that today's problems can be solved through social sciences. He congratulated the graduates and their families. Dean of the Faculty Prof. Dr. Yasemin Beyazıt stated that this graduation ceremony is very meaningful for them as the 2022-2023 graduates will be the first graduates of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and asked them to act with the motto "The most true mentor in life is knowledge" in their future lives.
During the ceremony, Helin Okay, an English Language and Literature student who was going to graduate this year and who died in the February 6 earthquake, and her family were remembered with mercy.
After the ceremony, the graduation event continued in the garden of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. In the faculty garden, graduating students shared their graduation happiness with their families, academic and administrative staff. At the stands set up in the event area, graduating students and parents were offered pilaf, ayran, tea, cotton candy and Ottoman paste. At the photo booth, students had their graduation photos taken with their friends, families and professors.
The ceremony ended with the students throwing their caps collectively. The students who threw their caps again collectively at the faculty thanked the dean of the faculty for this event and stated that the event left a good memory for them and their families.