PAU Architecture Students Receive First Prize

In the Design and Application Competition held within the scope of PSB Anatolia 2021 Fair, Pamukkale University Faculty of Architecture and Design (MTF) Landscape Architecture Department 4th grade students were deemed worthy of the "2021 First Prize" in the competition attended by 12 universities across the country. Accepting the first-placed students in his office, Rector Prof. Dr. Kutluhan wished the students continued success and presented them gifts.

In the competition, which requested participants to design according to design approaches in a 5m.x5m. garden area and then to apply this design in a 25m2 area (allocated to each participating group within the fairground), the project designed and implemented by Landscape Architecture Department students Rümeysa Işık, Ezgi Nur Şimşek, Meryem Gümüş, Emin Umut Tanrıverdi, Ahmet Asım Kadah and Hüseyin Tüccar came first. 

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