PAU Adds Another One to University-Industry Collaborations

A cooperation protocol was signed between Pamukkale University (PAU) Rectorate and Yeşilyayla Cutting Tools Metal Goods and Construction Industry Trade Limited Company.

In the protocol signing program held at PAU Rectorate, Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan and Ömer Pirge on behalf of Yeşilyayla Cutting Tools Metal Goods and Construction Industry Trade Limited Company signed as protocol parties.

Within the scope of the signed protocol; Students studying in the Knife and Hand Tools Production Technology Program at PAU Serinhisar Vocational School will be provided with the opportunity to take the 'Vocational Training in the Workplace' application course, summer internship or optional / voluntary internship opportunity, support for scientific and academic studies within the possibilities of the workplace, technical trip opportunity to the workplace, support for training materials and space for practical training, and training workshop installation support.

Regarding the protocol, Ömer Pirge on behalf of Yeşilyayla Cutting Tools Metal Goods and Construction Industry Trade Limited Company stated the following: "We are very happy to sign such a cooperation with Pamukkale University. We aimed to be a model for our country in terms of widespread vocational practical training, which we have already seen abroad. We would like to thank Pamukkale University Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan and the University Administration for the importance they attach to on-the-job vocational training and their cooperation with us in the field of knife making technology."

Rector Kutluhan: "With this protocol, students will graduate with much more experience as well as theoretical knowledge in the field of knife making, which is one of our traditional handicrafts and which we believe should be passed on to future generations."

Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan noted the following about the protocol: "As the university administration, we are realizing important projects for university-industry cooperation one by one. We are very happy for this reason. On the way we set out with the slogan 'University is the Guide of Life', we will continue such studies in order to reinforce the theoretical education our students receive from our qualified lecturers with industrial applications and to show that Pamukkale University is on their side in the problems experienced by the industry. As it is known, Yatağan, which is one of the neighborhoods of Serinhisar district, is in a very precautionary position in Turkey in the field of knife making. We had the opportunity to show examples of Yatağan knife making at the Traditional Handicrafts Exhibition to our esteemed Higher Education Council President, whom we hosted within the scope of the 30th anniversary events of our university, and we brought our knife making program to our Serinhisar Vocational School. With this protocol we signed, our students who will graduate from here will graduate with much more experience in the field of knife making, which is one of our traditional handicrafts and which we believe should be passed on to future generations, in addition to their theoretical knowledge. At the same time, we want to contribute to the development of our facilities producing in this region through our Serinhisar Vocational School lecturers. I wish the protocol to be beneficial for both our university, our company and the development of the knife industry."

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